Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Devil Wears Prada

And so does the new Pope?
I was flipping channels today and on CNN Headlines News they covered a most intriguing story--the Pope has been wearing the latest Red Shoe fashion trend! WOW! So shocking.

November 21, 2005 -- The devil isn't the only wearing Prada. Pope Benedict XVI is generating a reputation as a man of the designer cloth - thanks to his penchant for wearing lipstick-red Prada shoes.

Have we really stooped down to such a superficial level? Aren't there more important things to focus on about the Pope than his choice of footwear? It's apparently all the buzz and Prada cannot comment on the story or verify if they are indeed their brand of shoes.
Perhaps CNN should do some more research and see if these shoes might have historical meaning...but instead they showed a clip from the Wizard of Oz and compared this significant style watch to Dorothy's ruby slippers. One quick source writes:

I have noticed that Benedict XVI IS wearing the red papal shoes. He has gone back to the tradition of wearing them. These shoes are also supplied by Gammarelli and are made of red leather. They have been worn by popes since the times of the Roman empire.
Next speculation focuses on his possible designer shades:

According to the scuttlebutt from Rome, the new pope is also turning heads by wearing Gucci sunglasses.

Watch out Tyra! The Pope might be the next top model.


Boston Pam said...

And that's why I get my news from the Daily Show.

Brian said...

I think the pope might have a career posing for GQ magazine, you think?

Princess B said...

Certainly, he's a fashion role model.

Strike a pose!