Sunday, November 19, 2006

From Boston to Tahiti

I've always wanted to go to Tahiti and since Theo hasn't yet taken me, I decided to go without him. Transportation was graciously provided by The Wicks, so we all went together and even took the little guy. It was a great time complete with a live fire show. The locals do it up right.

Before we went to Tahiti we all went to downtown Boston to do some shopping and eating at Fanueil Hall.

We searched high and low for a new (first) winter hat for David (shown here) since it's started to get a bit chilly (~50 degrees). Friday it was in the sixties here; unusually warm for New England this time of year, but I love it.

Princess Sophia & I found an awesome new store called Funusual and barely made it through the first aisle before we needed to get going (the boys waited outside and the littlest one started to fuss). They had such great and unique stuff that it was hard to leave.

Even though it's not yet Thanksgiving they had a bunch of Christmas stuff, and a group of people playing the bells out in front of the Hall stairs. It sounded very good. There were also breakdancers and the old Native American performers (regulars to Quincy Market).

When we were done perusing the carts and stores we grabbed some good eats inside FH Marketplace, stopped at one more store and then walked back through the Commons to go home and get ready to depart for our trip to Tahiti.

The sunset heading west was soft and sweet.

And downtown looked nice as always. It took a while to get to Tahiti, but it was well worth it. I would suggest everyone go at least once in their life, and if you want some company, I'm game.


the lady love said...

Princess Butterbutt, thanks for finding me.

Princess B said...


Sounds like a good dog name...well I guess it is fitting for those b*tchy times!

Right back at ya.