My FriendsThere's no one in town I know
You gave us someplace to go
I never said thank you for that
Thought I might get one more chanceYou know how you get those emails about friendship and not taking people for granted and living life to the fullest? Well when I rec'd this message last Monday it struck me more than any of those fwds ever could.
A young woman passed away. I felt for her because of the unfairness, I felt for my friends who went to school with her and were in plays where she was the lead. She hadn't yet turned 30. She was living her life and then quite suddenly found out she was going to die soon. Way too soon. I was at work when I got this email, and was trying to finish some stuff before I went home early because my head hurt pretty badly. It had been like that last week too, and I had told my boss I was going to leave early since I didn't feel well. I ended up sticking through the day since it was pretty busy. Same thing happened the next day. Damn headache again, I thought, but when it recurred again the following Monday I grew weary of it. Then I got this email, finished a few tasks that I wanted to get done, and hightailed it out of there. When it comes to your health you really shouldn't mess around. This is probably nothing, but I felt better staying home about nothing and resting my aching head than staying the course at work in pain that on aspirin wasn't really helping.
I called my doctor who scheduled an MRI and slept the rest of the week until Thanksgiving. My head still hurts, but not as badly. I'll go take the MRI next week. The news (below) of this girl really made me think. If a doctor told you you had less than 2 weeks to live, how would you feel? What would you do? What regrets would weigh you down? Which friends would you want to spend time with during those precious last days? Why are those last days so precious; why not today? Why not everyday?
I thought about it, let it fester for a few days. I don't really have any regrets. Real regrets that is. Sure, there are small things I would probably do differently if given the chance, but I'm ok with myself, my choices. I would only lament the things I looked forward to doing. I lament this girl's unfinished life. It's such a cliche saying but so true, that life's too short. Too short for the bullshit that goes on everyday. Too short for the wasted feelings, wasted time. I felt better knowing that I'm happy with whatever I have, whatever I don't have, whatever I've done; I'm happy at this very moment.
Are you?
what would you think of me now?
so lucky
so strong
so proud
never said thank you for that
now I'll never have a chance-----Original Message-----
From: Woodworth
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 7:39 AM
To: public
Subject: Lisa Richardson
For any staff member who may have known Lisa Richardson, (Timberlane, Class of 1995) or who was fortunate enough to see her perform as a member of the Timberlane Players in the days prior to the PAC, we regret to inform you that Lisa passed away on Sunday morning. She was a uniquely gifted performer, and a fun-loving, witty and caring young woman. The following details of her illness and the arrangements for her wake and funeral were given to me this morning.
For anyone who was not aware, Lisa was admitted to the
hospital about a week and a half ago with a severe
headache, which turned out to be a large inoperable
and cancerous brain tumor. She spent the last 9 days
in a coma and then she passed this morning November
19th 2006 at 9:30 am.
Keep her family in your thoughts now during what must
be the most unbearable moments of their lives.
Wake: Tuesday, 11/21/06. 2:00 to 4:00 and 6:00 to 9:00
PM. Brookside Funeral Home.
Funeral: Wednesday, 11/22/06. 11:00 AM Mass at Holy
Angels Church, Plaistow, NH.
Directions and further information is available at the
following website;
In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to the
Lisa Richardson Fund c/o K. of C. 6617, P.O. Box 589
Plaistow, NH 03865. This fund is being set up to
provide an annual scholarship to the most promising
actor or actress at T.R.H.S. in Plaistow, NH. This is
the program that allowed Lisa to begin her love affair
in theater.*************************************************************
If you were with me tonight
I'd sing to you just one more time
A song for a heart so big God couldn't let it live
May angels lead you in
Hear you me my friends
On sleepless roads the sleepless go
May angels lead you in