Saturday, February 09, 2008

I Know Nothing About

So Many, Too Many Things;
I See I've Come to the Wall-
I'm Turning Around Now
I'm Spinning Around Now

Some of my friends are going through big life events this year:
Babies, Weddings, Buying a House...

While I have advice on planning a wedding and buying a house, I've got nothing on housing a baby for 9 months (I'm open to advice from those who have)...

Here are some articles that may be useful:

Caught my eye on Yahoo finance:
5 Pitfalls That Trip Up Working Moms

This one was one of the featured "How To" of the day on Google:
How to Plan a Wedding in 6 Months

This one caught my eye on My Yahoo!:
Realtors: Home prices to post another decline in '08

Though these are usually good life events, they can certainly be stressful, so good luck to you all!


Harry, another day we will feel better about this
And we'll go through yellow yards, to the library lions
closing our eyes, spinning in autumn.

-The Innocence Mission


M. said...

oh, advice on parenting huh? I could give you a good 8 years worth, but here's the best lesson. you will do what you do in the end because it's out of instinct. love them, cherish them, treasure their every waking moment because before you know it they will be mouthy little things you need a mute button for. haha. just do things out of love, that's all you really need to know :)

kat said...

Hmmm I have no advice on any of these either except for the wedding thing.

The buying a house thing and housing a baby are most likely next :)