Thursday, February 28, 2008

I Caved!

I swore I would not get hooked on American Idol this year...but then I thought it ok to watch the beginning stuff (not religiously, just here and there)...then with no new TV thanks to the long writers' strike I needed something...then some of the stories drew me in a little...and somewhere between there and here I did it--I am unfortunately hooked!

The girls sang last night and here's my for and against picks:
For: Ramiele something er other.
Reason: She's very good, and seems sweet. Plus you don't see many Filipinos in the music industry in the US.
Against (though I very much doubt she'll be kicked out tonight): Kristy Lee Cook
Reason: At first I thought I would like her cause she had a horse, then found out how she sold said horse so she could have money to goto Philly even though he was the best horse ever. Now I'm totally against her, and hope she gets kicked out soon. Plus too many blondes and she recycled "Amazing Grace" and used it twice, which I thought was lame.
A Recap of the Girls Hollywood Week:

For: David Archuleta
Reason: He'll probably win the whole thing, plus loved his rendition of "Imagine."

Against: Hmmmm, I thought they all weren't that great except for I guess noone in particular.
A Recap of the Boys Hollywood Week:

Share your picks for who will win next week and make me feel less lame.

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