Sunday, December 02, 2007


Ah, the holidays...
They're always an enjoyable time of year for me since I'm one of those fortunate people who actually likes their family. For Thanksgiving I celebrate two times over; once on T day and then again on Friday so the Hub and I can spend time with both families. You would think I'm sitting fat and pretty right now, but since I got that aforementioned stomach bug courtesy of my favorite Godchild coupled with my own carelessness (he looked fine--and cute!), I really didn't overeat on Turkey Day. In fact I really didn't eat much at all, but it was still a good time.

The nice thing about married life (both mine and my sister's) besides getting to celebrate with more people, is the extra blessing of different and new types of cuisine (don't worry Mom, I still enjoy your food too!). My sister-in-law surprised us all with a new domestic side and brought some very tasty food: a macaroni lasagna dish and salmon stuffing. Then my sister and my bro-in-law brought some stuffed mushrooms they make together (how cute). The food, or what I tasted of it, was very good.

We've also started a Thanksgiving tradition of an "adults only" friends dinner which was nice as well. We hung out at The Stacks for the afternoon and got to visit with the new baby again. Cameron is a cutie and actually smiled at me a few times. Later on the kids were shipped off to the grandparents and we met up with more friends in North Andover at a nice Italian place. Afterward we went to The Claddagh Pub for some pool and drinks. Brian & I teamed up against The Doc & The Hub and won a best of 3 series.
It was a fun night.

*The title of this post BTW is because I happened to see that the last 2 years I've had this blog I ended up coincidentally having 38 posts each year, and noticed that I just hit that 38 post mark with my last one. Should I be consistent and stop posting I pondered...nah, I guess I can be a little post happy this year. So voila!

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