Sunday, May 10, 2009

1/2 a year ago...

I had a fairly regular day...went to a prenatal appt and found out I was 4-5 cms and 100% dilated (aka Walking Time Bomb), went to the office even though I had the day off (for some reason I thought Veteran's Day was observed on that Monday), handed out most of my thank you cards from the work shower, met with the usual "YOU'RE STILLLL HERE?!?!" questions and faces, went to help out the Wicks b/c I think The Doc had car trouble while working at the VA, went out to eat at Fridays with the four of them, went online for a little bit, until the Hub and I thought we would watch some DVR Lost; 10 mins into the show TAD decided he had better vacate! Pulled an all nighter (first since college) and met Thomas at 7:27am the next day. Exhausted but delighted!

Crazy to me that he will be 6 months old tomorrow!!!
Thankful to have shared my 1st Mother's Day with my two favorite guys, and wishing I could have seen my own Mom yesterday as originally planned (stupid flu).

Love to all you Moms, Grandmas and Moms-to-Be!

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