Friday, September 16, 2011

Web Cam 101 for Seniors

I saw this yesterday and just had to watch it again. This couple is so cute and funny. I love old people!*

I love the soft, sweet comment he tells her at the end in reassurance.

*Disclaimer: Except when driving behind them,

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Breaking Dawn Trailer

As much as I wanted to avoid these books altogether, I eventually gave in...and now I am kind of excited about this movie. This was my favorite book. I think her writing, plots and character development got better as they went along.

If she could have only picked a different name.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Bless Your Heart

And those that stopped beating that day...
And those who grew heavy that day...
And those that paused in disbelief...
And those who raced whether towards or away.

May Your Love Grow
In fondness of the memories you had...
In honor of the wishes they had...
In likeness of the eyes of their children...
In gratefulness to the uniform clad.

May Your Light Shine On
Because we can never forget...
Still can't comprehend...
Still can't help but cry...
And always stand together.

Peace be with you.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Endless Summer

Summer officially ends on September 23rd and I intend to honor that date because the season is short enough as it is without people proclaiming its end just because school has started or Labor Day is here. I want to enjoy every ounce of summer sun, especially after the multiple blizzardy winter we had.

-Thomas Too-Cool-for-the-Beach Attitude, Cape Cod 2011

So with that being said, and two boys down for naps, I will be out relishing in the (I wish) endless summer sun.