Sunday, December 23, 2007

They Say It's Your Birthday...

Well that's what they say anyway. The family from whom we adopted Milo didn't seem to know his birthday, but when pressed (ie me asking them if it was before or after Christmas) one of them thought it was December 23rd, so that's what we're saying.

He was the biggest kitten in his litter, and by far the cutest. His siblings weren't long haired like him and as soon as we saw his picture on Craigslist we fell in love. SD just happened to check the site at the right time because $50 kittens had just been posted a few minutes before and we contacted them right away. When we were looking for a new cat we searched for a while, and every posting we replied to people had snatched right away so we drove there and had the pick of the litter.
He is still pretty big and is starting to out pace Darla. He's the furriest cat I've ever had and even has fur coming out of his ears (kinda like an old man) and jetting out between his paw pads. It's rather amusing so I'll try to get a picture of it sometime. His tail is like a big plume, and sometimes we have to bathe him because he just has too much fur and it's a lot for him to clean on his own...He is certainly a very sweet kitty. When you yell at him for doing something bad he chimes back with the cutest little cry as if to say, "Why?" or "Really?" It's just so sweet.

I'm glad it's your birthday

Happy Birthday to you.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Let It Snow, Let It Snow No Mo'

I'm definitely not dreaming of a White Christmas!
At least not newly white. We've gotten a record 26 inches of snow this month in and around Boston and we're running out of places to put it! Not to mention my back hurts from shoveling so much. Even though we pay a condo fee every month which is supposed to include "snow removal" they rarely, if ever, come and when they do it's wicked late in the evening and if you're smart you've already shoveled around your car before it freezes over to ice.But then they plow you in so you have to go right back out so you don't get stuck in a snowblock overnight.

The day we got a foot I worked from home and shoveled during my break. It started coming down a little after noon so I went out and brought our empty trash cans to the back and slipped and fell on a layer of ice hidden from the new coating of snow. After that I went in and called out Management Group, and of course no one answered, but left a lovely little message for them informing them I will not be paying any fee if this continues and that people on these two streets are not happy (we share the lot in between). Around 3pm I shoveled the stairs and the spot for the car and when SD came home at 3:15 from his hour and a half commute that under normal conditions takes 15 minutes it looked like I hadn't even shoveled a thing. They finally came around 9pm that night and plowed the lot, but they never do the walkways or stairs nor put down salt or sand. In Boston we never had to shovel the stairs or walkways so our first snow here last year we just left it and it ended up turning into a big 6 inch block of ice--fun times...

Since we park in the back we hardly ever use our front door and I wouldn't bother shoveling that path if it wasn't for the mailman using it. I had a little trouble opening the front door just to get out there and clear it. I did however make sure when I shoveled the front steps to pile most of it in front of the door next door (we share the stoop). No one lives there right now and I wasn't about to throw it 3 feet away. So good luck crappy management group when you try to have an open house and you can't even open the front door! (Bwa, ha, ha! A little evil, I know, but they do suck). The night of the big storm a couple kids from the neighborhood rang our bell to ask if we wanted them to shovel, which was sweet. I should really pay them $125 and tell the townhouse trust to go screw...

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Got Sick?

I've had this stupid sickness for a couple weeks now and it refuses to leave me. It's all the rage at work; everyone and their mother is sick with this. Everyone except my husband who never gets sick! My body is trying to shake this and I actually slept a good 11 hours last to the weekend! I'm not sure how much it mattered, though I'm sure it was good overall, as I'm still hacking up a lung today. Blah.

So the following headline caught my eye, and though I will probably never try this since I HATE cold feet, maybe you will and then can attest to it or not...let me know if you do!

Get Rid of Your Head Cold Fast
POSTED: Friday, December 07, 2007 Powered by BlogBurst
FROM: Green Health Spot - A naturopathic doctor talks about vibrant living and vibrant health with practical tips on reversing & preventing illness and living the good life.

Footbath: Here is a quick trick to get rid of your head cold, fever, cough during the winter season. I've given this technique to many of my patients successfully. I'm not really sure why it works but it does. This is one of those old naturopathic remedies that have been floating around for centuries and it makes many believers of natural medicine.

This is great for a sore throat or any inflammation or infection of the throat, neck pain, ear infections, headaches, migraines, nasal congestion, upper respiratory infections, coughs, bronchitis, and sinus infections.

What you will need:
* 1 pair white cotton socks
* 1 pair thick wool socks
* Towel
* Warm bath or warm foot bath

1. Take a pair of cotton socks and soak them completely with ice cold water. Be sure to wring the socks out thoroughly so they do not drip.
2. Warm your feet first. This is very important as the treatment will not be as effective and could be harmful if your feet are not warmed first. Warming can be accomplished by soaking your feet in warm water for at least 5-10 minutes or taking a warm bath for 5-10 minutes.
3. Dry off feet and body with a dry towel.
4. Place ice cold wet socks on feet. Cover with thick wool socks. Go directly to bed. Avoid getting chilled.
5. Keep the socks on overnight. You will find that the wet cotton socks will be dry in the morning and usually the cold or sore throat will be gone.

This treatment acts to reflexively increase the circulation and decrease congestion in the upper respiratory passages, head, and throat. It has a sedating action and many patients report that they sleep much better during the treatment. This treatment is also effective for pain relief and increases the healing response during acute infections.

Friday, December 07, 2007

The Wild Wild West and Red Neck New England

Last week was busy busy. I had two business trips, one of which brought me to my hometown. Good as I am I saved my company money by staying in my parents' guest room rather than a hotel. They didn't even charge me. =)
Since I don't get to see my high school friends that often I got together with some of them Tuesday night in downtown Springfield.
We had reservations at Virtuoso and the food was delicious! We ordered a lot of appetizers, had a good main course and shared some dessert as well. The wine selection was also top notch. The only complaint I would have about this place is that they offer Pecan Crusted Duck Foie Gras.
I know I'm not a vegetarian so maybe I shouldn't talk, but some methods of "fattening up" animals are pretty cruel and what they do to these ducks and geese is horrible! Foie Gras is French for "fatty liver" and the method in which they fatten them up is beyond cruel. The ducks and geese have tubes inserted down their throats and are force fed a ridiculous amount of food a few times a day and then those that don't suffer a frightening death endure disgusting conditions and painful maladies until they are slaughtered for food. So far Foie Gras has been banned in Chicago, California (I think was considering it), the U.K., Germany, the Czech Republic, Finland, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, and Israel.

The following investigation gives you a glimpse into this "delicacy of despair:"

Undercover investigations at America's two leading foie gras producers, Hudson Valley Foie Gras in New York and Sonoma Foie Gras in California, revealed horrific cruelty. Investigators from and the Animal Protection and Rescue League found that ducks were crammed into filthy, feces-ridden sheds and that others were isolated in wire cages that were so small that they could barely move. They also observed barrels full of dead ducks who had choked to death or whose organs had ruptured during the traumatic force-feeding process. The investigators rescued 15 ducks, including two who were being eaten alive by rats because they could not move. View video and photographic evidence of this cruelty.

A PETA investigation at Hudson Valley Foie Gras (then called "Commonwealth Enterprises") revealed extremely high death rates. So many ducks died when their stomachs burst from overfeeding that workers who killed fewer than 50 birds per month were given a bonus. In addition to ruptured stomachs and liver disease, many ducks develop foot infections, kidney necrosis, spleen damage, bruised and broken bills, and tumor-like lumps in their throats. One duck had a maggot-infested neck wound that was so severe that water spilled out of it when he drank.

I haven't clicked on the videos cause I think I would cry. If this isn't enough to stop you from partaking in this barbaric "delicacy" perhaps you'll take into consideration your own well being:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Geese force-fed and then slaughtered for their livers may get their final revenge on people who favor the delicacy known as foie gras: It may transmit a little-known disease known as amyloidosis, researchers reported on Monday.

Tests on mice suggest the liver, popular in French cuisine which uses it to make pate de foie gras and other dishes, may cause the condition in animals that have a genetic susceptibility to such diseases, Alan Solomon of the University of Tennessee and colleagues reported.

That would suggest that amyloidosis can be transmitted via food in a way akin to brain diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, or CJD, which can cause a rare version of mad cow disease in some people who eat affected meat products or brains.

Amyloidosis can affect various organ systems in the body, which accumulate damaging deposits of abnormal proteins known as amyloid. The heart, kidneys, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract are most often affected but amyloidosis can also cause a blood condition.

The researchers used mice genetically engineered to be susceptible to amyloidosis, which can be inherited.
"When such mice were injected with or fed amyloid extracted from foie gras, the animals developed extensive systemic pathological deposits," Solomon's team reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Sometimes Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia, is described as a type of amyloidosis as well.

The amount of foie gras given to the mice would equal about 3 1/2 pounds over five days for humans, Solomon estimates. This may seem like a lot, especially considering that even in France the annual consumption is about half a pound. Yet evidence suggests that it takes very little of the protein clumps to instigate amyloidosis - and that amyloids, rather than being digested, may just lurk about until there are enough to cause disease. "This material can stay in the body indefinitely," Solomon says.

If the danger to humans turns out to be real, Penn's Whitehead admits thinking about "the delicious irony of those who live well doing themselves in with foie gras." This story recalls the days when gout was known as the disease of kings. Gout is caused by a diet rich in meat, so only the wealthy and overindulgent were afflicted.

In any case, the scientists wrote in their paper that "it would seem prudent for children and adults with rheumatoid arthritis or other diseases who are at risk . . . to avoid foods that may be contaminated by [amyloids]."

I'm thinking of writing a letter to Chef Cousin about how much I enjoyed his food, but wish he would not serve this cruelly derived appetizer...

My business trip took me to Mercy Medical Center and it was a successful meeting and presentation. Afterward I visited Tara in Pathology and that was cool to see where she worked. I then went back home and treated my dad to lunch at his favorite diner where he knows everyone, and they serve a clam chowder that's better than most I've had in Boston. I worked the rest of the day "at home" until going out with my mom and middle sister to whom I still owed dinner for her 30th birthday.

After dinner I packed up my things to head to my next trip to what someone dubbed recently, "The Hillbillies of New England."
More on that next time...

Sunday, December 02, 2007


Ah, the holidays...
They're always an enjoyable time of year for me since I'm one of those fortunate people who actually likes their family. For Thanksgiving I celebrate two times over; once on T day and then again on Friday so the Hub and I can spend time with both families. You would think I'm sitting fat and pretty right now, but since I got that aforementioned stomach bug courtesy of my favorite Godchild coupled with my own carelessness (he looked fine--and cute!), I really didn't overeat on Turkey Day. In fact I really didn't eat much at all, but it was still a good time.

The nice thing about married life (both mine and my sister's) besides getting to celebrate with more people, is the extra blessing of different and new types of cuisine (don't worry Mom, I still enjoy your food too!). My sister-in-law surprised us all with a new domestic side and brought some very tasty food: a macaroni lasagna dish and salmon stuffing. Then my sister and my bro-in-law brought some stuffed mushrooms they make together (how cute). The food, or what I tasted of it, was very good.

We've also started a Thanksgiving tradition of an "adults only" friends dinner which was nice as well. We hung out at The Stacks for the afternoon and got to visit with the new baby again. Cameron is a cutie and actually smiled at me a few times. Later on the kids were shipped off to the grandparents and we met up with more friends in North Andover at a nice Italian place. Afterward we went to The Claddagh Pub for some pool and drinks. Brian & I teamed up against The Doc & The Hub and won a best of 3 series.
It was a fun night.

*The title of this post BTW is because I happened to see that the last 2 years I've had this blog I ended up coincidentally having 38 posts each year, and noticed that I just hit that 38 post mark with my last one. Should I be consistent and stop posting I pondered...nah, I guess I can be a little post happy this year. So voila!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Buyer Beware

-Tee hee hee--I'm so cute!

Yeah he looks adorable (and is) but beware the cute factor! I had the fun of hosting this little guy and his 'rents last weekend and he quickly won me over with his silly giggle and cute growing vocabulary. He is especially fond of the word "Mo'!" as in "More Food Now!"

Since I aced pre-school and Kindergarten with my fine sharing skills I ended up splitting a lot of my food with him. I said goodbye to my banana loving friend on Monday morning, worked from home so I could take Oscar to the vet, and come dinnertime really didn't feel like eating much. I forgot to mention that David was just getting over being sick, and according to his parents, creating many diaper explosions.

Tuesday I woke up feeling sick to my stomach and ended up taking the whole day off from work. I can't remember the last time I felt so sick! I don't think I've thrown up since riding some 10 foot waves off the Napali Coast a couple years ago. It sucked. However, it's my own fault since I should have been more careful, but he is just so darn cute...

We took a walk around the neighborhood, and here is the little guy among the leaves, and with his mommy.

Friday, November 16, 2007

All That Remains

My friend Jeanne plays bass in a band and gets to tour all over. They have a bunch of US dates going on (she was up in Worcester last weekend) and she's even toured internationally. She leads quite the life!

Her band's name is All That Remains and they have been nominated for a Boston Music Award for Outstanding Metal/Hardcore Band of the Year. I voted a few times for them and I was going to post earlier this week and ask that you vote, but I guess it's ending today and the winners will be announced on December 1st. Good luck!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Glimpse in the Life...

Introducing "A Glimpse in the Life..." where I'll post tidbits of my day or funny/strange things I overhear.

Eating Bananas in Pajamas

SD: You done with this? (Points to mostly eaten banana)
PB: No, I'm going to eat the rest of it.
SD: It doesn't look good.
PB: That's just the peel that looks bad, the banana itself is good.

Interlude: SD brings banana and napkin into the kitchen...

PB: Where'd you put my banana?
SD: Oops...uh...the trash.
PB: Hey! Minus 2 husband points for the day!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Rolling Rally

Well I have some video of Papelbon playing a broom guitar today, but am having trouble loading it. I'll play with it more tomorrow...

Sunday, October 28, 2007

It Ain't Over Til the Big Papi Swings

Things are looking pretty good in Red Sox Nation, but we'll also be the first to tell you (and the Yankees) not to count your chicks before they're hatched. Sure no team has ever come back in the playoffs after being down 0-3 besides the Red Sox greats of 2004, and never in the World Series, but anything can happen. A win tonight would give the Sox their 2nd World Series sweep in 4 years, and how sweet it would be...

Good luck boys!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

World Series Here We Come!

Dear Josh Beckett,

I love you. Good luck tonight!

-My First Red Sox Hat

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Just Like a Prayer

One Win Can Take Us There
Just Like a Muse to Me
We Need a Victory
Just Like a Dream
You Are My Favorite Team
Just Like a Prayer
Come Back to Fenway, I'll Meet You There!

Our Father, who art at Fenway...
Baseball be thy game.
Thy Kingdom come,
Playoffs need to be won,
On Earth, then on to the Cask 'n' Flagon.
Give us this day, a perfect Papi,
And forgive us our losses,
As we forgive those,
Like Bill Buckner.
And lead us not into desperation,
But deliver us from losing.
For thine is the Power,
And the Glory,
To beat the Indians,
Now and forever.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

8 Friends and 3 Kids

Yesterday the Hub and I went to The Stacks house to meet the new baby and spend time with friends. It was such a great time despite the disappointing Sox loss (effin' Gagne. I cringed when I saw him coming in and said some not very nice words at the TV).

Here's Cameron James sleeping like a little angel. He is SO tiny!

David took a liking to Mr. Potato Head's glasses.

And gleefully pushed Brady around the living room.

Brady opened his presents and really liked his new truck full of cars.

We brought food to the new parents of two. I made homemade spaghetti and meatballs (ok Prince made the spaghetti), and mushroom turnovers. P. Sophie and the Doc brought the treasured Yuengling, salad, garlic bread and dessert: an ice cream cake and humongous Red Sox chocolate chip cookie. Brian made some homemade potato skins and Erica some yummy cookies. We had quite the feast!

It was great to see you all, and way too short.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Brady!

It seems like just yesterday we were visiting newborn Brady in the hospital, and now he is two!

I can't believe how fast his first 2 years went and he's not even my kid!

Keep smiling Brady. We love you!

Brady's 1st Birthday

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Gotta Love October Baseball!

Oh, how I love baseball, and baseball in October is even better.
The Sox are up 2-0 over the Angels, and the poor NY "Empire" is down 0-2. The Curse of the A-Rod strikes again.

Anyways, with all the excitement I found this fun clip of the magic that was 2004.


Friday, September 21, 2007

America at Home

It's a little late, but I'd thought this was cool to share.

Photo Assignment Week Across the Nation.

Check it out, send in a pic or two and maybe you'll get in the book.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Two Step

Celebrate we will
Because life is short but sweet for certain
We're climbing two by two
To be sure these days continue,
These things we cannot change

The Hub and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary a little over a week ago. Life has been fun, challenging, rewarding, unpredictable, and all that much better together.

Hey my love do you believe that we
Might last a thousand years
Or more if not for this?
Our flesh and blood it ties
You and me right up
Tie me down

I suppose we won't be climbing two by two forever. It'll be fun having some little ones running around, but for now I'm quite content doting on my friends' kids (and handing them back when they poop!).

Hey, my love, you came to me like
Wine comes to this mouth
Grown tired of water all the time
You quench my heart and you
Quench my mind

Celebrate, you and me, climbing
Two by two, to be sure
These days continue, things we cannot change

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Price is Right?

If you're familiar with The Price is Right this is pretty amusing (on a couple of levels). - Watch more free videos

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Happy First Birthday!

Happy 1st Birthday David! Sending lots of love to our favorite Godchild.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Are You a True MassHole?

From the Author: "Okay, so you're driving down the Pike and coming towards Boston, and you're wondering which exit to take. Allston? Copley? Straight on to Logan and beyond? Dude, you're better off taking the T.

Ah, Massachusetts. A wonderful state where the capital itself seems to forget there's a western half of it. And the home of the Big Dig, or should I say the "it seemed like a good idea at the time" tunnel project."

This is an amusing quiz to check out. Having lived on both sides of the state I think Western Mass is underrepresented in it, but then again, I guess its used to that. Don't worry, I still remember there's more state left after Worcester.

Dude! You're 86% from Massachusetts!

Dude! Me and Sully and Fitzie and Sean are gonna hit Landsdowne tonight after the game, hang out at the Beerworks. I'll pick you up at the Coop at 6.

How Massachusetts are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

From the author: "Personally, this is what I like about MA...we're proud of our state, but we can't pass up a chance to make fun of ourselves. Hope you had fun! And just so you know: You can't park your car in Harvard Yard, simply because there is no parking lot there!" :p

"How Massachusetts are you?" was created by Jonc

P.S. If you see the next quiz after taking this one as "Are you a TRUE Red Sox Fan?" I wouldn't recommend it. I scored a 100% but it was corny, and they didn't even ask what the 7th innning stretch song was or what Rem Dawg's full name is, or any Sox history. Anyone could pass that thing.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Those Classy Yankee Fans

So Roger Clemens, future Hall of Famer, was booed off the mound today at Yankee Stadium. After pitching a perfect 1st inning he got taken out during the 2nd after allowing 8 runs, however only 3 of those runs were actually earned. I thought Yankee fans were savvy enough to realize the difference, but perhaps it's that they just don't care. Of course, these are the same fans who have on multiple occasions booed Alex Rodriguez, only the best player in baseball. If he knows what's good for him he says adios at the end of this monster season and sticks it to them. Any other team would be worshiping the ground he walks on instead of being fair weather fans.

Just my 2 cents...